Some Manager Roles

Sexual thoughts or urges

Excessive shopping

Inner voice that criticizes your appearance or performance

Drive to keep busy

Anxiety that freezes your mind in high performance situations

Too much time on phone or computer

Urge to eat or drink too much

Over cleaning

Jealous or possessive feelings about your partner


Worries that flash worst-case scenarios in your mind about the future


Greif about someone who has died or left you

Confusion or fogginess 

A nagging sense of worthlessness

Over managing other people  

A voice that tells you you’re not working hard enough and won’t let you relax

Worried about other people

Fear that keeps you from taking social risks & inhibits your liveliness


The urge to care for everyone & neglect yourself

Over exercising

The anger that surges forth when you feel hurt by someone

Sensitive feelings that can be easily hurt

Loneliness that comes up when you are not distracted by other people

Competitiveness that makes you feel bad when you learn

that others are doing better than you

The need to be on control of everything and everyone

An underlying sense of incompetence

The happy or “together” mask you hide behind

The perfectionist inside that can’t allow any mistakes or blemishes

Judgmental thoughts you have about other people

The inertia that makes you sit in in front of TV or lie in bed

A sense of hopelessness that makes small tasks seem overwhelming

Dissatisfaction with you place in life or your achievements